Complete Guide to Body Balance

Do you want to practice an activity that works your whole body and helps you eliminate accumulated stress? In that case, don't miss our complete guide to Body Balance. Surely on more than one occasion you have seen it written down in the gym class calendar. However, many people are unaware of what this activity consists of and what its benefits are. Although it is true that it is closely related to yoga and pilates, it also has certain differences. If you want to find out everything about Body Balance, keep reading.

What is BodyBalance?

It is a type of training inspired by yoga, tai chi and pilates . Through one session you will work on strength, coordination and balance. In addition, you can burn about 400 calories, so it will also be useful for weight loss. Classes usually last 30 to 50 minutes . The different exercises are accompanied by music to make it more enjoyable. Users must learn to control their breathing and it is important that they focus on the posture.

What material do you need to do Body Balance?

Regarding the material you need, the reality is that Body Balance can be practiced only through our body without the use of dumbbells and other elements. We recommend a mat and suitable clothing for the exercise . It is important that clothing is breathable. At Beatfit we have a wide variety of sets made from excellent quality fabrics that allow freedom of movement. Don't forget to bring a bottle of water to hydrate once the class is over. During this activity it is not necessary to take any type of energy or isotonic drink.

What are the benefits of Body Balance

These are the main benefits you will get if you dare to practice Body Balance:
  • Helps you improve strength and flexibility.
  • Eliminates accumulated stress and provides a state of calm.
  • Improves posture and increases muscle tone.
  • It helps to connect with the breath and become aware of our body thanks to the final minutes of meditation.

To whom is your practice recommended?

In principle we can say that Body Balance is suitable for anyone who wants to practice an activity that works both the body and the mind. However, women who are pregnant must make adaptations in some positions. For example, they should avoid those that support the belly, inverted ones that hinder blood flow and others that increase abdominal pressure. what is body balance

What is the structure of a Body Balance class?

The structure of a Body Balance class is divided into different blocks. First, you start with tai chi . This will serve to warm up our muscles and move on to the next phase in which the core and strength are worked through Pilates exercises . With yoga we will learn to perform some asanas and it will help us improve breathing and concentration. Finally, a few minutes are dedicated to meditation to leave the class full of energy and without stress. Now that you have read our complete guide to Body Balance, do you dare to put this activity into practice? We are sure that you will love it.