My name is Haridian, creator of Beatfit, and what I am about to tell you is our magical story.
I have been an athlete since I was a child: for years I was a handball player, and running and fitness have always been a part of my life. When I ran I looked for quality tights that would last, different, with bright colors and prints instead of the usual boring neutral tones. I literally wanted to fill my legs with life and color , while shaping my figure, the problem is that I couldn't find anything similar on the market!

This is how Beatfit was born, as a tribute to the female body: with tights that fit, that shape your figure, that resist the passage of time and breathe joy. A dream in the form of exclusive collections with which to feel confident, feminine, strong and empowered.

Una comunidad de mujeres valientes, únicas, auténticas y fuertes
Además, casi nadie lo sabe, pero tras las prendas que ves se esconde un tesoro. Detrás de los patrones y estampados, están tejidas con hilo invisible las historias de las mujeres que hacen posible Beatfit.
Si te acercas un poco, verás a una mujer que me escucha atenta mientras ajusta la cintura de una malla. A otras que con ilusión y esmero trazan estampados para un nuevo legging, y a una última que, con paciencia y amor infinito, me ayuda a preparar un showroom.
Entonces, cuando todo está listo, una modelo y una fotógrafa se reúnen cómplices para capturar el esfuerzo de nuestro trabajo bajo los últimos rayos de sol.
Una comunidad de mujeres valientes, únicas, auténticas y fuertes que aportan su granito de arena para empoderarse las unas a las otras. Ese era mi sueño cuando creé Beatfit, y como ocurre con la magia, se hizo realidad de la forma menos esperada.
In addition to designers, pattern makers, and seamstresses who work with determination and great care, at Beatfit you will find yoga teachers, runners, nutritionists, decorators, family members, and friends, willing to offer all the wisdom and love that they carry within.
Everything we create is nourished by that precious feminine energy. For this reason, in addition to offering you only the best quality fabrics, we design each garment so that you feel ultra-comfortable , confident and dazzling. We want you to fulfill your dreams too , and never lose your own light while doing it.
But wait, the magic doesn't end here , it actually moves in an infinite circle. With each order you make, in addition to supporting a small Canarian company made up 100% by women, you send us all the love back . When you excitedly send us a photo to show us how your leggings are still perfect after three years, we know we're doing something important.
We believe that you are capable of much more than you think, and above all, we believe that together we can do gigantic things, together we can be invincible.
Haridian, creator of Beatfit .