What is the best time of day to exercise?
Are you one of those who enjoys training in the morning or do you prefer going for a run in the afternoon? Do you prefer to get up early and start the day with a good exercise session, or is your favorite time to go to the gym after work? Surely it is not the first time that you wonder if the time of day you choose to exercise is the most appropriate. Today we solve all your doubts in Beatfit !
For years it has been suspected that the time of day you train influences your performance and your results. Despite this, to date there are no studies that definitively clarify whether it is better to train on an empty stomach, mid-morning or in the afternoon. Many athletes choose to train before breakfast, since some research shows that more fat is burned after an overnight fast: The reality is that scientific evidence is still lacking before we can ensure that the optimal time to exercise is right after waking up.
What is the best time of day to exercise?
What is clear is that each hour of the day has its advantages and disadvantages. For example, training in the morning is perfect if you like to get up early, as it activates you and releases the endorphins you need to relieve stress. In addition, it helps you regulate your schedule, and if you choose to exercise outdoors or in the gym you will find less crowds. Of course, your body will be cold, so you will need a good warm-up session before starting your sports routine, and be constant and disciplined to get up early every morning! Training in the late afternoon is also very beneficial, since muscle temperature is higher and the risk of injury is reduced. Another advantage of exercising in the afternoon is that it reduces anxiety, since if you practice sports at the end of the day you can disconnect and relax after the workday . Of course, some athletes notice that exercising at night activates them excessively and impairs their rest; other people claim to sleep better and calmer after training. Our advice is to listen to your body, since your physical response may even change at different times in your life: What is ideal for one person may not work for another. At Beatfit we believe that the best time of day to exercise is the one that best suits your style and your pace of life, so that you can fully enjoy your favorite sport without having to look at your watch. Exercising regularly has numerous benefits for your physical and mental health, regardless of what time of day you train. Of course, avoid exercising in the hottest hours, especially in summer, and make sure that you are using the appropriate clothing and equipment . Go ahead and train at home, in the gym or on the street, and enjoy sports while you get in shape!