5 Iyengar Yoga Postures and their benefits

Yoga is a discipline of oriental origin that combines breathing, meditation and balance to integrate body and mind. There are many variants within this discipline, which is more than that, even a lifestyle. Today we focus on Iyengar yoga poses and their benefits. Iyengar Yoga puts the focus on alignment . Its correct practice provides very visible benefits on a physical and spiritual level , with special emphasis on knowledge of the body and inner peace.

5 Iyengar Yoga Postures


Padangustashana is a posture in which the foot is grasped (pasa) and the big toe is also grasped (augustha). To execute it, you have to grab your toes with your fingers. The formula is to completely flex the trunk downwards, so that the head is at the height of the calves, with the legs completely straight. This movement tones the abdominals , strengthens them in an important way. Iyengar yoga

Virabhadrasana I

This posture is named after a hero featured in the poem Kumara sambhava. To carry out the movement, you must be in a position to take a stride, with one leg forward and the knee bent. The other leg fully stretched behind. The torso also stretched upwards, with the head towards the sky and the arms fully raised. The most prominent benefit at a healthy level is the increase in lung capacity . benefits of iyengar yoga


This Iyengar yoga pose is very suitable for beginners and seniors . It is simple to execute. To do it, you have to lean on your knees, with your legs resting on the ground and direct your torso backwards, touching the soles of your feet with your hands. The head must also be moved so that you end up looking behind. Ustrasana strengthens the shoulders and prevents rounding of the back . iyengar yoga


This posture is that of the mountain. Its main positive aspect is the reinforcement of balance . It is very simple to execute and very useful for those who start in this discipline . It consists of staying completely upright, with the feet very close together and the arms also stretched downwards, parallel to the hips. what is iyengar yoga

Parsva Halasana

The last position we highlight is the most difficult to execute. Also called the Side Plow Pose. To start it, you have to support yourself on the ground with only your head, neck and upper back, and from there, move your legs back so that your toes are in contact with the ground, to one side of the head. Parsva Halasana presents different varieties and helps to improve the mobility of the back . iyengar yoga Iyengar yoga postures contribute to a better physical and mental balance. There are more than 50 different positions to which are added many variants of greater or lesser difficulty. Its initiation does not require much physical condition, which makes this discipline a very beneficial practice. If you are passionate about the world of Yoga we recommend other articles from our blog: https://beatfitonline.com/when-you-notan-los-beneficios-of-yoga/ https://beatfitonline.com/ashtanga-yoga-what-is-and-how-to-practiceit/ Remember that to practice any sport, be it Yoga, Pilates, Fitness... you must opt ​​for qualified clothing. In the case of Yoga, it is essential that it be very elastic to facilitate any type of movement with total freedom.