Fitness on the beach: benefits and best exercises in the sand

During the summer there are no excuses to put aside physical activity. In this article we show you the benefits of practicing fitness on the beach and the best exercises in the sand. Do not miss it! Is it advisable to train on vacation? During the holidays we often stop going to the gym, especially when we travel. Despite the fact that at this time we rest from the most intense workouts, it is not good for us to stop activating our body. The beach is a perfect environment for exercise. We have wet, dry sand and the sea, so it is possible to create a very complete workout that is fun at the same time. In addition, you will not need any type of material.

Benefits of doing fitness on the beach

These are the main benefits of doing fitness on the beach:
  • It helps you psychologically. The beach will help you disconnect and get rid of stress .
  • There is an improvement in stability and balance due to the instability that the sand creates. It is a perfect time to do proprioception work.
  • The sea breeze opens the airways and lungs .
  • We recharged with vitamin D. Of course, be careful with the hours in which the temperatures are extreme and always go protected.
  • You will enjoy a wonderful environment .
  • It serves as motivation . Changing our training routine sometimes helps us to make it more dynamic and increase our motivation.

Fitness exercises on the beach

Now that you know all the benefits, are you ready to do your training? Take note of the following exercises: squats We start with a classic and very effective exercise: squats . Place your feet shoulder-width apart and facing slightly out. Lower the trunk by bending the knees and adopting the position as if you were sitting on a chair. For added intensity, when you finish a squat, jump forward and walk over a straight line that you draw in the sand. squat jump Separate your feet shoulder-width apart and perform a normal squat, but this time come up through a vertical jump for height. Do it on dry sand. Knee-to-chest planks Get into plank position and alternate legs bringing them toward the elbow. The movement must be dynamic. Hypopressive Do you know hypopressive abs ? If you want a strong and toned abdomen, include them in your routine. Lie face up on the towel, bend your legs and rest your feet on the floor. Contract the abdominal area avoiding lifting the lower back and neck. burpees Get ready because a super demanding exercise is coming! The famous burpees are perfect for working the whole body. Drop into a squatting position, jump back, and keep your body straight with your hands and toes flat on the ground to perform a pushup. Then return to a squatting position and jump up for height. If it's still too hard for you, don't do the push-up. sprint down the shore Finally, we finished our fitness training on the beach with several quick runs along the shore . Select a section of approximately 100 meters. We hope that you will be encouraged to try the fitness exercises on the beach that we have proposed. Don't forget to warm up beforehand and end with a good stretching session by the sea.