Can you train during the first trimester of pregnancy?

The first three months of pregnancy are full of emotions, from the joy of a new member of the family to the fear of something going wrong, even having a miscarriage. In addition, many pregnant women feel more tired and sleepy during these first twelve weeks: all this makes the first trimester of pregnancy the great forgotten when it comes to training. Today we want to explain if it is possible to practice sports during the first three months of pregnancy, and what kind of routines, but the most important thing is that you follow your doctor's advice. Follow his instructions at all times, but if he tells you that you can lead a normal life, wonderful, keep reading! Training during the first trimester of pregnancy is one of the best decisions you will make for your well-being and that of the fetus. The World Health Organization recommends physical activity during the nine months of pregnancy, as it reduces the most bothersome symptoms, helps you have a delivery without complications and much faster, and improves recovery after birth. Of course, you should avoid impact sports, since they can damage the pelvic floor; as well as those in which you can fall, and control the intensity. A good way to tell if you're overexerting yourself when exercising during the first trimester of pregnancy is to see if you can hold a conversation at a normal pace: if you get out of breath, you should decrease the intensity of your workout.

Training during the first trimester of pregnancy

If there is a routine that is common for many pregnant women, it is walking. Walking a minimum of thirty minutes a day is ideal to complement other exercises, or even to stay active on days when you don't feel well physically or mentally. Remember that the goal is to feel better and ensure the health of your baby! Many moms go to centers where they follow training marked by a specialist, or sign up for aquagym, spinning or Pilates classes. There are many alternatives so that you can train during the first three months of your pregnancy, you just have to find the one that you enjoy the most and that best suits you, each woman and each pregnancy are different! Ideally, the training should be specific for each stage of pregnancy and that you can get the most out of it. The first advantages that you will notice when training during the first trimester of pregnancy is that digestive discomfort will decrease, you will sleep better, you will avoid gaining excess weight, and your blood pressure will improve. In addition, you will have less chance of suffering from gestational diabetes, you will feel lighter and you will look more beautiful when you look in the mirror. In addition, following an exercise routine adapted during pregnancy means that when the time comes to give birth you will have less risk of caesarean section and fewer complications, and in the following months you will notice that your toned muscles will help you recover more quickly after childbirth. Do not forget that the most important thing is that you follow the instructions of your gynecologist and consult all your doubts with him. And enjoy your pregnancy!