Tips on how to start running or running on the street

Now that it seems that the state of alarm is softening and each day they allow more flexibility, we are all looking forward to going out for a walk and... Why not? To do a little running. From Beatfit we believe that more than one of you is going to join this sport and it is that burning calories at home is not the same after almost 50 days of confinement, don't you think?

how to start running

That is why today we are going to give you 8 tips to get the best out of your running time on the street.
  1. Stretch correctly: it is essential to start this sport by stretching since our joints and muscles are less prepared after having been at home for so long. In this link you can find different stretches for runners ;)
  2. The time to go for a run: keep in mind the time at which you go out. That there are not many people and that it is not too hot is essential so that you can enjoy this sport to the fullest.
  3. Sportswear: The sportswear you wear should be comfortable, breathable, and flexible to accommodate movement. Our recommendation? Some flattering push-up leggings from Beatfit so that you can also look type.
  4. The shoe: not just any shoe! Make sure you wear running shoes so you don't cause injuries and you can keep practicing. It must have a sole that cushions well.
  5. Hydration: drink 1 glass of water before going for a run. It's not good to drink too much water before running, but it's not good to not hydrate either. A glass is the perfect amount.
  6. Do not be sad! If you have never run, nothing happens! Go little by little. On the first day, walk briskly and run for 1 minute at a brisk pace, then walk for 5 minutes and run for another minute. Little by little you will gain practice and you will run much better.
  7. Breaks: even when you have picked up a runner's rhythm, it is important to respect the breaks and not go out for a run every day. Your joints will appreciate the sport, but not the oversaturation ;)
  8. Take care of your diet: it is an obvious but fundamental advice. If you want to progress as a runner and improve every day, you must take care of your diet and make it as complete and healthy as possible.
We hope you have enjoyed our advice and that you prioritize responsibility over sport. We all want to leave home but we must do it carefully ;)